Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Beyonce - Hottest Artist Of The Week

What's up?
How are you all doing?

Hip hop, rap and r&b needs artists right? Without artists there were no music to celebrate, you  know what I mean? :) Yeah, you do. :)

That means we need artists who inspires the music business with success, leadership and new ideas. In case of Hip hop and R&B we have definitly one female person who is doing all this thats why SHE is the 1st hottest artist of the week! Be ready for HER. Yeah, I know you saw already that picture down there, if not please give applauses to Beyonce!

 She is accepting the Billboard's Woman Of The Year Award which is taking place in New York on the Oct. 2 and will be awarded for her accomplishments over the past 12 months.

I made a playlist on youtube for her hit singles in this year on youtube. Click Here! For The Playlist On Youtube